Aguila Ammunition 38 Special 130 Grain Full Metal Jacket
Aguila ammo is perfect for stocking up or for hitting the range with friends. Hits dead center. Cycles flawlessly. Perfect for target shooting, this popular round features low recoil and Aguila “Non-Corr Priming” for reliable ignition no matter the weather conditions thrown its way. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
CAD $855.44 -
Ammo Inc. Ammunition 38 Special 125 Grain Full Metal Jacket Box of 50
This Ammo Inc. Ammunition is from the TML (Total Metal Coating) Ammo, Inc. Defensive line. Proven projectiles deliver excellent accuracy for target shooting. Load-specific development ensures extreme accuracy and consistency for each caliber. Balancing velocity, accuracy, and recoil, the Ammo, Inc. development team carefully analyzes every load to help the ballisticians achieve the specific outcome of superiority. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer-primed, reloadable brass cases.
CAD $42.16 -
Ammo Inc. Ammunition 38 Special 125 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 20
This Ammo Inc. Ammunition is from the TML (Total Metal Coating) Ammo, Inc. Defensive line. Proven Jacketed Hollow Point projectiles deliver terminal performance tuned for self defense. Load-specific development ensures extreme accuracy and consistency for each caliber. Balancing velocity, accuracy, and recoil, the Ammo, Inc. development team carefully analyzes every load to help the ballisticians achieve the specific outcome of superiority. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer-primed, reloadable brass cases.
CAD $29.92 -
Atomic Ammunition 38 Special +P 148 Grain Lead Hollow Point Box of 50
Atomic Defensive ammunition is loaded to exact specifications with the most popular bullets from major manufacturers to deliver the consistent and reliable performance required from a self-defense load. Each and every round is inspected before leaving the factory to ensure the upmost quality. This ammunition is non-corrosive in boxer-primed, reloadable nickel-plated cases.
This Atomic Ammunition features a 148 grain lead hollow based wadcutter, loaded upside down in a new, “Ducta-Bright” nickel plated Starline 38 Special +P case with a precise charge of hand selected powder sparked by the finest quality primers available for maximum reliability and power. This bullet tested in a 38 special cartridge from a snub nosed revolver consistently opened and expanded in Perma-Gel Ballistic test medium.
CAD $66.64 -
Black Hills Cowboy Action Ammunition 38 Special 158 Grain Lead Conical Nose Box of 50
All Black Hills Cowboy ammunition is made specifically to be suitable for Cowboy Action Shooting, with loadings that produce proper velocity levels and extreme accuracy. All loads use new brass and come in period-correct boxes. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
CAD $55.76 -
Black Hills HoneyBadger Ammunition 38 Special +P 100 Grain Lehigh Xtreme Defense Lead-Free Box of 50
Black Hills produces factory new ammunition equal to some of the best hand loads possible and is quickly becoming one of most popular manufacturers of ammunition. Used by all branches of the United States military, this ammunition is also preferred by competitive shooters and hunters. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
The .38 Special revolver remains an incredibly popular defense tool. They are small and concealable pistols, but to be effective, you need the best ammunition possible. Black Hills Xtreme Defense is that ammunition. It does not rely on a hollow point design which can fail to expand or plug with clothing. Instead, it uses a new design with homogenous copper projectile, developed in cooperation with Lehigh Defense, with cutting edges on the forward surface and flutes on the ogive of the projectile that redirect the tissue as it impacts and penetrates at a velocity of over 1275 fps. This is a superior design in terms of reliability and effectiveness.
CAD $127.84 -
Blazer Ammunition 38 Special +P 125 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 50
Blazer Ammunition combines a non-reloadable aluminum case with high value and high performance. It is the perfect practice and training ammunition. This ammunition is new production and non-corrosive.
CAD $54.40 -
Blazer Brass Ammunition 38 Special 125 Grain Full Metal Jacket
This Ammunition has the same great value and exceptional performance found in Blazer Ammunition with aluminum cases, but it has a boxer-primed, reloadable brass case. It is the perfect practice and training ammunition. This ammunition is new production and non-corrosive.
CAD $856.80 -
Buffalo Bore Ammunition 38 Special +P 110 Grain Barnes TAC-XP Hollow Point Lead-Free Box of 20
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEADSTAMP ON THIS BRASS: Due to limited supplies of brass, Buffalo Bore has begun loading +P and +P+ ammunition in brass that may not be indicated as such on the headstamp. Example: 9mm Luger +P+ ammunition may be designated as 9mm Luger +P or simply 9mm Luger on the headstamp.
Buffalo Bore loads their ammunition up to maximum SAAMI specifications, which delivers devastating performance on a wide range of game. Please note that this ammunition is not intended for older guns. It is made for modern firearms only, as some of the ammunition could damage older and weaker firearms. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
Owner of Buffalo Bore Tim Sundles on Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 Special +P Ammunition:
For those wanting a deep penetrating all copper expanding 38SPL+P load, this is it. Depending on individual impact velocity, (barrel lengths and distance to target vary) you can expect between 12 to 14 inches of penetration.
Buffalo Bore was able to engineer a flash suppressed powder for this load and therefore the shooter will not be blinded by his own gun fire in low light. This creates a huge tactical advantage as most civilian shootings in the US occur in low light when the criminal element is out and about.
See the below real world velocities fired from real world revolvers, not extra long laboratory test barrels that give false extra high velocities, that cannot be duplicated in real life. With Buffalo Bore Ammunition, you’ll always get real world, useable velocities.
- 1438 fps — Ruger GP 100, 6 inch barrel
- 1287 fps — S&W Model 15, 4 inch barrel
- 1210 fps — S&W Model 66, 3 inch barrel
- 1202 fps — Ruger SP101, 3 inch barrel
- 1149 fps — S&W Model 66, 2.5 inch barrel
- 1119 fps — S&W Model 60, 2 inch barrel
- 1104 fps — S&W Model 340, 2 inch barrel
This load is safe to fire from all 38SPL +P rated and all/any 357 firearms that are in normal operating condition. However, when fired from super light weight alloy J frame revolvers, recoil is stiff. This cartridge is designed so the bullet will not jump crimp when subjected to recoil from firing in super light 12 OZ revolvers, provided you do not subject any cartridge to the recoil of more than six or seven firings.
With great pleasure, we noted that every test gun delivered tiny little groups at 25 yards. It is normal when we observe good accuracy from most test guns and exceptional accuracy from some test guns with any load we are developing, but this load gave exceptional accuracy from every test gun. Most of our adjustable sighted test guns, needed the rear sight raised as this high speed, light weight bullet shot to a lower point of impact than normal loads our guns were already sighted in for, but the groups (accuracy potential) were very small, none-the-less.
CAD $76.16 -
Buffalo Bore Ammunition 38 Special +P 125 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 20
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEADSTAMP ON THIS BRASS: Due to limited supplies of brass, Buffalo Bore has begun loading +P and +P+ ammunition in brass that may not be indicated as such on the headstamp. Example: 9mm Luger +P+ ammunition may be designated as 9mm Luger +P or simply 9mm Luger on the headstamp.
Buffalo Bore loads their ammunition up to maximum SAAMI specifications, which delivers devastating performance on a wide range of game. Please note that this ammunition is not intended for older guns. It is made for modern firearms only, as some of the ammunition could damage older and weaker firearms. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
Owner of Buffalo Bore Tim Sundles on Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 Special +P Ammunition:
The new Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 SPL+P ammo will maximize the effectiveness of your 38 SPL revolver. The powders are flash suppressed so as to not hinder your vision should you be required to drop the hammer in low light.
Item 20B/20 uses the low velocity (LV) Jacketed Hollow Point bullet that is designed to expand at as little as 800 fps, so you will get expansion out of very short barrels.
Whether you prefer the very soft semi wadcutter lead bullet, or a very soft JHC, (jacketed hollow cavity) these HVY 38 SPL+p loads will turbo charge your 38 SPL revolver.
The tactical reload: Short (2 to 2.5 inch) barreled revolvers have short ejectors. Those short ejectors typically used on 2 inch to 2.5 inch barreled revolvers are not long enough to fully eject 357 magnum brass. So if you are forced into a situation where you need to reload your weapon under fire, you will find yourself picking your fired/empty 357 brass out of the cylinder one at a time – this is very bad. On the other hand, 38SPL brass is shorter than 357 brass and those short ejectors will often fully eject 38SPL brass. We have experimented a great deal with short barreled revolvers and have found that 38SPL brass normally offers an advantage if you need to reload your “snub nose” revolver, in a hurry.
Check out the below velocities that I fired from my personal revolvers. We believe that real world, stock, “over the counter” guns, give real world results, so we don’t advertise velocities that are fired from long test barrels.
These 38SPL+P loads are generating low-end 357 magnum, ballistics. If you have an older or more fragile 38SPL, or if you are recoil sensitive, consider using our HVY Standard Pressure 38SPL ammunition. It is safe to be fired in any 38SPL revolver and it still packs much more punch than ordinary 38SPL ammo.
Item 20B: 125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point. This is the Low velocity version designed to expand under 800 fps. It will mushroom violently and penetrate roughly 12 inches.
CAD $55.76 -
Buffalo Bore Ammunition 38 Special +P 158 Grain Lead Semi-Wadcutter Hollow Point Gas Check Box of 20
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEADSTAMP ON THIS BRASS: Due to limited supplies of brass, Buffalo Bore has begun loading +P and +P+ ammunition in brass that may not be indicated as such on the headstamp. Example: 9mm Luger +P+ ammunition may be designated as 9mm Luger +P or simply 9mm Luger on the headstamp.
Buffalo Bore loads their ammunition up to maximum SAAMI specifications, which delivers devastating performance on a wide range of game. Please note that this ammunition is not intended for older guns. It is made for modern firearms only, as some of the ammunition could damage older and weaker firearms. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
Owner of Buffalo Bore Tim Sundles on Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 Special +P Ammunition:
The new Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 SPL+P ammo will maximize the effectiveness of your 38 SPL revolver. The powders are flash suppressed so as to not hinder your vision should you be required to drop the hammer in low light.
Item 20A/20 is the terrific SOFT lead semi wad cutter hollow cavity bullet, however we’ve added a gas check to stop the leading that this load typically causes with other manufacturers version of this bullet.
Whether you prefer the very soft semi wadcutter lead bullet, or a very soft JHC, (jacketed hollow cavity) these HVY 38 SPL+P loads will turbo charge your 38 SPL revolver.
The tactical reload: Short (2 to 2.5 inch) barreled revolvers have short ejectors. Those short ejectors typically used on 2 inch to 2.5 inch barreled revolvers are not long enough to fully eject 357 magnum brass. So if you are forced into a situation where you need to reload your weapon under fire, you will find yourself picking your fired/empty 357 brass out of the cylinder one at a time – this is very bad. On the other hand, 38SPL brass is shorter than 357 brass and those short ejectors will often fully eject 38SPL brass. We have experimented a great deal with short barreled revolvers and have found that 38SPL brass normally offers an advantage if you need to reload your “snub nose” revolver, in a hurry.
Check out the below velocities that I fired from my personal revolvers. We believe that real world, stock, “over the counter” guns, give real world results, so we don’t advertise velocities that are fired from long test barrels.
These 38SPL+P loads are generating low-end 357 magnum, ballistics. If you have an older or more fragile 38SPL, or if you are recoil sensitive, consider using our HVY Standard Pressure 38SPL ammunition. It is safe to be fired in any 38SPL revolver and it still packs much more punch than ordinary 38SPL ammo.
Item 20A: 158gr., very soft cast, semi wad cutter, (Keith) hollow cavity, with a gas check. This bullet will mushroom violently on impact and will penetrate roughly 14 inches. Again, this bullet is gas checked and will not lead your barrel.
CAD $42.16 -
Buffalo Bore Ammunition 38 Special 150 Grain Lead Wadcutter Box of 20
Buffalo Bore loads their ammunition with the highest quality components available to maximize the performance of the ammunition. This ammunition is safe to use in all 38 Special chambered firearms that are in proper working condition. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
Owner of Buffalo Bore Tim Sundles on Buffalo Bore Heavy 38 Special Ammunition:
Due to customer demand, we’ve developed this defensive 38SPL ammo. Our customers wanted some devastating 38SPL loads that would fill the following criteria.
1. It won’t hurt older/fragile/alloy revolvers. (Non +P)
2. Is effective as a “fight stopper” through the use of proper bullets.
3. Is more powerful than typical/standard, weak 38SPL ammo.
4. Generate much less recoil than our +P 38SPL ammo.
5. Is flash suppressed.Buffalo Bore is introducing these three different heavy, yet standard pressure loadings for 38 SPL. These offerings are loaded at standard pressure, but they are much more powerful than normal 38SPL ammo. These loads will not harm older more fragile revolvers. So, these loads are safe for use in ANY 38 SPL revolver, provided it is in normal working condition. As stated above, the “POWER” level of these loads is really closer to a typical +P power level, but the pressure is standard. We are able to develop these powerful standard pressure loads with modern non-canister powders. Again, these loads recoil far less than our +P 38 SPL ammo.
All three of these loads are flash suppressed, so firing them in the dark won’t blind you. We use flash suppressed powder in our defensive ammo, in the loadings we can, because over 90% of all civilian shootings in America, occur in low light, when the criminal element is at work. We don’t want you blinded by your own gunfire after the first shot.
Item 20D utilizes a very hard cast 150gr. WAD CUTTER bullet. The bullet is made hard, so it won’t deform or mushroom. It penetrates deeply (roughly 14 to 16 inches ) and its full diameter profile maximizes blood loss as it cuts and crushes (not slips or slides) its way through tissue. These bullets are hard and properly lubed and will NOT lead your barrel. Note my velocities from real world “over the counter” revolver s- NOT TEST BARRELS!
CAD $57.12